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Compliance has never been more important for recruiters

Monday 12th February 2018

Sterling - Compliance has never been more important for recruiters

At Sterling we pride ourselves on offering a service which is built on compliance. It is the focus of everything we do and is our first priority when providing services to our recruitment agency partners and to our contractors.

We know and understand that the recruitment industry is a busy, high pressured environment and that recruiters work long hours. We also know that the burden of legislation has intensified in recent years and with this, the quantity of paperwork and administration involved has grown. This can place more pressure on recruiters and divert their time from the key tasks they want to focus on.

Working with a compliant, efficient organisation like Sterling can significantly reduce the time recruiters spend on administration but can also help to provide peace of mind and reassurance that all legislation is being adhered to. With the introduction of the Criminal Finances Act 2017, working with a reputable supplier has never been more important.

How do we ensure compliance?

When a recruitment consultant refers a candidate to us we ensure all the following are taken care of:

Legislation surrounding tax, expenses and employment has changed. With a wealth of experience and knowledge, we understand the relevant legislation and always keep ahead of any changes.  Staying up-to-date can be difficult, particularly when the pressures of daily tasks and busy periods leave very little time for anything else. Working with a professional, compliant company such as Sterling means there is always an expert on hand to advise on compliance and manage key aspects in line with the latest legislation and guidance.

Our commitment to service and compliance is demonstrated by the accreditation, awards and professional body memberships that we hold. Find out more about these here. 

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